
In reply to <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> :

I> 1) Why is there no 'Delete All' option when you click on the
I> attachment tab in the viewer page? If there are several attachments
I> and you want to delete them, you have to repeat the 'Delete' action
I> numerous times. God help you if some relative decides to send you a
I> ton of pictures of their new baby voted most likely to be the next
I> anti-Christ. That means in order to delete 24 pictures of the next
I> anti-Christ, you have to do a total of (24*3) clicks. That, to me, is
I> patently unacceptable.

You can select all you need to delete and just hit <del>! :)
So there's really no point to have a delete all, I guess.

Best regards,
Goncalo Farias

I think I'm gonna, Puke.

 Current beta is 3.99.20 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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