> It seems illogical for it to work that way with
> that view setting. It
> seems you want to bend TB! to conform to you
> instead of learning how
> to use the program.

> opportunity for you. TB! is chock full of stuff not
> found elsewhere.
> Is it perfect? What is?

Nothing is, but there ARE some inconsistencies with the way some
things are implemented. I have had issues (sorting and threading if I
remember correctly) where it did not work the way it SAID it should
work. Too many were quick to jump in and tell me it was supposed to
work that way - even in the face of a contrary description. Just
because someone has DONE it that way for a long time does not make the
reasoning correct.

> I am growing very weary of spending three times as
> much time to read
> messages in this forum while not gaining valuable
> information in the
> process. I didn't have this problem a few days ago.

He mentioned perceived problems. I don't use MAPI so we should have
banished all those issues to another list because I don't particularly
need to hear them? Does every email on this list give valuable
information? I don't think so.

I know I have tried to get a feeling on this list for non-beta issues
as have others. While I would like to see HTML emails readable in the
Bat, I would also like to see the ability to compose complex email
perhaps via a plug in. I would like to see ritlabs go toward a plugin
core framework where I could get only the plugins I need. Can I
discuss this here? I should think so but I won't really start it until
the 4+ round starts. Then I want my DELETED VIEW TAB!!! :))

Paul, he may not have understood that there will probably be no more
major add-ins or fixes in this version before it becomes version 4. I
think he does now.

The Bat Version 3.99.20 (BETA)
on Windows XP, Service Pack 2

 Current beta is 3.99.20 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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