Hello Paul,

Monday, October 08, 2007, 5:12:56, you wrote:

>>It also has gmail quirks. Is the message base on their servers
>>encrypted? Are the calendar and addresses/contacts encrypted? If so,
>>to what depth? Encrypted transmission is worthless if the rest of it
>>isn't encrypted, preferably at 256 bit. Google regularly experiences
>>various types of vulnerabilities. As they grow and integrate more
>>stuff their security is sure to weaken. Besides, like Microsoft they
>>are a big target which makes it a lot more fun for the black hats.

We do not force to use GMail, we simply offer an opportunity to easily create a 
mail account using only the email program, i.e. without opening a web browser.

Best regards,
Maxim Masiutin                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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