10/10/2007  4:29 AM

Hi Thomas,

On 10/9/2007 Thomas Fernandez wrote:

>> Our goal is not to force a particular mail service, but to give an
>> opportunity to easily create an account.

TF> The idea is not bad, but I think you chose the wrong email provider.

Exactly! It makes no sense to me to beat up an unusual webmail to get
it to act like a standard POP service. It will _always_ be half-baked
because it started that way.

It will be infinitely better to offer a link to a questionnaire, that
when completed, runs a script to establish an account with a standard
POP provider.

Google being nothing more than a high-tech advertising agency with
servers that are easily compromised seems like taking a quality email
client and throwing it to the black hats so they can have all of the
tender and ignorant newbies as appetizers and just eat them up!

Take Care,

Voyager v.3.99.4 on Win2k SP4-Rollup1 5.0.2195

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