Hi Gleason,

On  Fri, 12 Oct 2007 21:58:59 -0400 UTC (10/12/2007, 8:58 PM -0500 UTC my
time), Gleason Pace wrote:

>> I forgot to add that since you complain about "deleting messages twice"
>> tells me you know nothing about IMAP protocol or standards, which is
>> something Mulberry follows better than any other client. It is a complex
>> protocol. So your complaints are that they follow the protocol exactly, and
>> that is bad.

G> Exactly, it is a complex and large protocol.

Have you ever read it?

G>   That is why producing a really good implementation has eluded all
G> comers to date.

Again not true..... you make a very big generalization upon a subject you
obviously know nothing about.

G>  Not that Rit is ripping people off by not doing what they promised.

Since you don't know about the IMAP protocol or its basic fuctionality or
features, or advanced features, I hardly think the above statement is

>> Your above complaints are directed at Mulberry, where in reality it should
>> be directed at the IMAP protocol. You dislike the messenger (Mulberry) for
>> bringing you the bad news, not the sender, which in this case is the
>> protocol/IMAP RFC  

G> Yes, it is that way because the specifications say it should be.  I
G> think Rit got it right by ignoring the specification on this one.  Let
G> them continue to be guided by what real people using their program
G> might want.

Then why use any RFC protocol at all, even SMTP, or POP, or heck... now you
can be Microsoft and just use what you want......  You are missing the point
because you do not understand the problem. Generalizations do not help, and
being sadly misinformed, e.g. the Mulberry history, are just ranting without
knowledge. Sorry, gotta go.... and this is silly.


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