10/13/2007  11:30 AM

Hi Xav,

On 10/13/2007 Xav wrote:

X> Not if there is a better alternative, in your case that being not
X> upgrading to later versions.

There are many alternatives including other programs. For example, I
will use Foxmail in certain circumstances for specific reasons.

X> Then you are fortunate in being able to influence your customers so
X> much.

I spend considerable time and effort to educate and enable them so
that I do not have to influence them. Decisions are made collectively
rather than dictated by me.

X> We are at cross-purposes.  If a company produces a product that
X> requires too much support, it will lose out - customers (whether they
X> be the IT department or end users) will go elsewhere.  In your case
X> this has been accomplished by not upgrading to later versions.

Or choosing the most appropriate product and educating the customer. I
have many customers using various flavors of TB V3 as well. Some are
upgraded to the latest MSI and others are on earlier releases.

X> Out of curiosity - why not XP?

Because 2K had all the functionally needed by this customer and it
does more, faster, at a given time with 512k RAM than XP with 1 gig.
Also, no forced installation of WGA and IE7! And it behaves _much_
better on a network, especially with mixed OSs.

Take Care,

Voyager v.3.99.4 on Win2k SP4-Rollup1 5.0.2195

 Current beta is 3.99.24 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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