Hello Gleason,

Sunday, October 14, 2007, 4:59:25 PM, you scribbled:

GP> I remember a techie friend in the early days of Firebird saying that
GP> it was superior because it introduced tabs.  He didn't seem to think
GP> that Netscape had tabs.  Never heard of Opera.  So what was the
GP> secret?  How did Moz get noticed?

Marketing, ok, Moz calls it evangelism. I remember when Moz plunked
down $130K for a full page advert in the Wall Street Journal. That and
some of the devs had contributed techie articles espousing the virtues of
Firefox over IE in the lead-up to the advert and official FF release.
Of course you can purchase shirts, hats and cups plastered with
getfirefox.com. They had a high profile, commercial marketing strategy
combined with enlisting the user in a grass roots campaign. Very
effective I think. While they haven't and won't catch IE, it enough
that they left Opera in the dust. If you believe stats, Opera's market
share has remained unchanged since 2004, but FF is inching up slowly.

RITLabs could use a marketing expert to define it's products, shape an
intended user base and sell the product. Right now it seems that TB!
is used by those who are referred by a current user or bumble into it
on a Google search. And they seem content with that for some reason.


TheBat! 3.99.25 on Windows Vista

 Current beta is (none) | 'Using TBBETA' information:

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