"Vili" wrote on 27/03/2008 at 03:00:58 +1100 
subject "PTV bug" :

> Ok, do this then:

> - open a new mail to write
> - Ctrl+A, Del (delete everything, body is empty, cursor in the 1:1
> position)
> - press e.g. "a" on the keyboard, there will be a single "a" char in
> the first line
> - press the down arrow once

> At us, the "a" (first line) disappears. At you?

I have an other symptom of the bug:

make an new message using as template only "%BLANK"
The cursor should be in the "To:" line.
Press TAB as often to put the cursor in the text part (or click ONCE
i the text part.
The cursor is now with some distance (5mm) to the top, but status
line indicates "1:1".
Press one single character.

The cursor and the character moves up 5mm (one line?) and status bar
indicates "1:2"


Hendrik Oesterlin - email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
TheBat! - Regula Anti-Spam Plugin   
Extended Macro Plugin - Windows 2000

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