Hello Vili,

Thursday, March 27, 2008, 8:59:54 PM, among other things, you wrote:

>>>> Pressing down arrow does nothing here!
KV>>> Because you are using the Windows editor. We are talking about
KV>>> MicroEd (check yesterday's mail in the thread).
>> I  am  *not* using the Windows editor and have never used it. Please see the
>> attached 'Message editor bar.jpg' file.

V> Hmm...

V> Anyway, many of us experience the problem, so Ritlabs will fix it.
We  hope  so  Vili,  but  it  is  difficult  when different things happen on
different  computers!  It  is  better  if we can tell them why, or when, the
differences  occur.  It seems that here the down arrow key only malfunctions
when  the  editor has been completely cleared by Ctrl+A. 

In  this reply it is working normally, but will not go below the bottom line
of my signature.(I'm not sure whether this WAD)

Best regards,
The Bat! v4.0.18.6 POP3  with AntiSpamSniper,
on Windows XP, version 5 1, build 2600 and Service Pack 2                       

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