On Tue, 16 Dec 2008 13:06:03 -0500, Rick wrote:

>Would you kindly condescend to clarify something for my feeble
>1) You haven't used the bat in 4 years

I still have an old version (v2.12) on one of my computers. I'm
using it periodically with the purpose of archiving the e-mails
that have been collected by my mail server.

It has one major flaw. It tends to choke on retrieving when large
amounts of mail are residing on my server. 500 or more I'd say. 
But I've found a work-around for that problem. 

>2) The various releases are all "unfinished business as usual"

Let's just say The Beta! is an neverending nonstop piece of "work
in progress".

>WHAT are you doing here?

There has been a time, during versions 1.x, when I saw real
potential in The Beta! Version 2 would be a complete rewrite 
in C++ and IMAP would be implemented. So I still had my hopes.

The reason I'm still lingering on on the The Beta! lists is a
mixture of nostalghia and curiosity.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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