[Reply to: »Maxim Masiutin« · 2009-05-02 · 03:06 h (CET)]

Moin, Maxim!

> The postponed sending dialog is the graphical editor for the small
> textual argument of the %POSTPONE macro, e.g. “+2h” means “add two
> hours” or “8:12” means send on 8:12 today if it’s before 8:12,
> otherwise send tomorrow on that time, etc. Did I understand
> correctly that in your dialog, if I don’t’ want to specify the date,
> I should select “Send in 0 days” radiobutton? And if I don’t want to
> specify the time, i.e. just want the all the new messages to be sent
> in 2 days, I have to specify “current time plus 0 hours 0 minutes”?

In iterative steps this matter gets clear! ;-)

So here is the next draft:

As immediate sending is the default, the dialog initially should look
like attachment [1]. The dialog for a postponed message should look
like attachment [2].

Is there still any confusion left?


P.S.: @NetVicious: The radiobuttons are now one below the other. :-)

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| Attachment(s)/Anlage(n) |
| [1] Postponed_Sending_Dialog_Draft_03_Immediate.gif
| [2] Postponed_Sending_Dialog_Draft_03.gif

<<attachment: Postponed_Sending_Dialog_Draft_03_Immediate.gif>>

<<attachment: Postponed_Sending_Dialog_Draft_03.gif>>

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