Hello Mau,

Monday, April 27, 2009, 2:03:40, you wrote:

>>Hold for... 
>>( ) Hours  ( ) Minutes ( ) Seconds
>>... and then send.

Your idea to use the tail "...and then send" is excellent! But it gives another 
complication. The user can combine "hold over (2) days" and "use specific time 
8:00" for, example, which means that the message will be send in 8:00  in two 
days after today. Also, the user can combine "hold over 2 hours" and "use 
specific date 10/10/2009". In this case, the message will be sent on that 
specific date, but the time will be taken from current time plus two hours, 
i.e. if it is now 9:21, the message will be sent on 11:21 10/10/2009.

The initial version of the dialog that have used "add days/add hours/add 
minutes" wast technically more correct.

Maybe we should use "hold over" anyway, not "hold for" in the begining of the 

Best regards,
Maxim Masiutin                     
Ritlabs SRL

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