[Reply to: »Volker Ahrendt« · 2009-04-29 · 01:05 h (CET)]

>> The problem is in this case the user will have to click the GUI for
>> each for the message sent, like in Outlook. We want to give an
>> option to to configure the postponed sending autmatically for every
>> message, so the user will simply press "send button" on the toolbar
>> (or the corresponding keystroke) and the message will be immediately
>> closed and scheduled for delivery. Your suggestion makes this
>> impossible.

> Okay, now here are my reworked ideas. And of course the first one is
> meant seriously. ;-)

A few more thoughts brought me to this real flexible solution (see


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»He felt that his whole life was some kind of dream and he sometimes
wondered whose it was and whether they were enjoying it.«

Douglas Adams (1952 - 2001), »The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy«

<<attachment: Postponed_Sending_Dialog_Draft_02.gif>>

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