I hope, I dont offend anybody. I hope, Ritlabs are reading it too.
Just went thru some mails and I hope I can rationalize why Ritlabs
should work on IMAP.

I dont know how much extra resources, development money you got in
Chisinau. If you have plenty, stop reading, and spend time as you
wish. If you do need to earn money from The Bat! sales, read on.

Email chat, postponed messaging, view modes... They dont sell The
Bat!. The Bat! sales are due for excellent filtering (it seems that we
have problems with this too, now, I am not sure), multiple email
handling, spell checking in multiple languages, templates!, mass
mailing, inventive ideas and sometimes working with Exchange.

The question in my profession is always this: what is the next big
thing? And do that. What is the next big thing for an email client? If
I am hearing right, a reliable, correct IMAP support with the
filtering, etc. of The Bat! would be a big hit. Why? Nu such thing
exists yet. So, if Ritlabs would spend time to do this, that would be
unique. Yeah, postponing is unique I guess, but "who gives a sh.t."
Quote from actual users. They dont use it.

So, the question Ritlabs has to decide: be it a pet project, do what
you think is good and needed, or be a corporate project where you
satisfy the market. I used to see this and that sometimes, nowadays it
all looks like a pet project to me.

No offense. I try to help as Dieter Hummel tried to help you guys back
in 2001 and 2002. He gave up, I try not to. There is still hope. I
think, some of the guys on this BETA list work hard for you RITLABS,
so they ... (I cant remember the right word here..., "you earned to be
answered to") a straighforward answer from you guys. We are f..king
tired to read always that "after this, after that" we will do this.
And those things will never happen. You lose trust and respect. You
lose the good guys and sonner or later all you will have after a beta
release is some "up and running" beta testers. (No offense.)


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