Hello all,
Saturday, May 30, 2009, Alto Speckhardt wrote:

>>> If I am hearing right, a reliable, correct IMAP support with the
>>> filtering, etc. of The Bat! would be a big hit. Why? Nu such thing
>>> exists yet.
GP>> Right, it does not exist.  One reason is that it is devilishly hard to
GP>> do.  

> If that was true, Thunderbird wouldn't have been able to offer basic,
> yet reliable IMAP support from the start. In a development time of
> less then a year a system has been established that outperforms the
> decades-old TheBat hands down.

You can not be serious, because Thunderbird is based on code from Mozilla
Suite, so Thunderbird had IMAP support from start, but code was 6 years

I do not know, how hard is to increase stability and interoperability with
IMAP servers, which have often problems with IMAP implementation, but
agree, this is important and I hope, Ritlabs will be successful.

Ritlabs develops own mailserver Batpost and I expect, this knowledge can
help to get better IMAP in The Bat!

> There are no outside factors preventing RIT from fixing TheBat's IMAP.
> It is pure choice on their side. The fact that they have chosen to
> ignore IMAP users can only be a signal that they're not (or no longer)
> targeting corporate users. No excuses can be made up, it's just that.

I do not think, Ritlabs could ever focus to corporate users, because
corporate area needs groupware features and I do not expect, TB will be
ever groupware product.

>From I know from companies, they are requesting calendar support, but not
IMAP. This is my experience.

What do You think about HTML templates? this is most requested feature here
by small companies using OE and Outlook.



Marek Mikus
Czech support of The Bat!

Using the best The Bat! (RC2)
under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3
with MyMacros,XMP,AnotherMacros, AntispamSniper v
Notebook Toshiba, Core2 Duo 1.83 GHz, 4 GB RAM


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