Hi Carsten,

Monday, November 19, 2001, 17:06:16 GMT +0100 (which was the same day,
the same local time here), you wrote, using »The Bat!«:

> for some reason the QTs _don't_ work on TB! 1.53. I don't know why.
> They are usable with 1.54 betas.

> I'm sorry, TB! 1.53 crashes after using the QTs :-(( So be careful!

Confirmed :(

Maybe 1.53 does "early" macro expansion so it gets caught in an
infinite loop? Recursive macro expansion can only work if macros are
evaluated "lazily", i.e. as needed.

RIT developers?


The Bat! 1.53d
Windows NT 4.0 Build 1381 Service Pack 6

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