Hello Allie

At 9:28 PM on Monday, November 19, 2001 you wrote the
following on the posted subject 'Update & Questions (was:
Boxquotes ā la KorrNews and new quotestyle)':

JR>> & I'm using Windowblinds v3, enhanced.

Allie> Same here.

JR>> But I have to admit I haven't tried it with the
JR>> particular macro which I will try to do tomorrow.

Allie> You'll see problems elsewhere. :-(

Allie> I much prefer stability to eye candy, so away it
Allie> goes.

  Well I agree there but I think I'm going to stick with
  it for a while longer to see how/where it gets in the way.
  Just annoys me that I may be throwing money away. :-(

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA
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