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@ 21:01:00 -0500 [ Mon, 19 Nov 2001], Jan Rifkinson [JR] thoughtfully
wrote the following:
JR> This is interesting to me because I thought I was going a little
JR> crazy. I've been playing around w Windowblinds, too, & noticed
JR> some strange goings_on particularly in the editor. But I think
JR> I've also found that it depends on the skin. Some seem to be more
JR> stable than others (if that's possible)

Anything seems to be possible with WindowBlinds. It causes problems
where you least expect it to be and you end up creating false alarms.

For example, I was having a problem with GPG Shell and not only did I
have to disable Windowblinds. I also had to log off and on to get rid
of the messy interaction.

JR> & I'm using Windowblinds v3, enhanced.

Same here.

JR> But I have to admit I haven't tried it with the particular macro
JR> which I will try to do tomorrow.

You'll see problems elsewhere. :-(

I much prefer stability to eye candy, so away it goes.

- --
ŠAllie C Martin  --  List Moderator and fellow end-user
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