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Hello Charlie,

Wednesday, January 22, 2003, 10:50:22 PM, you wrote:

>> as  my  default,  Favorites  still  pull  up whichever of IE6 & Crazy
>> Browser was the previous default.

CK> Sounds like serious registry overload ;-]

Well, not quite that bad, Charlie. The authors of SlimBrowser admit it's
a bug in the program. To be fixed, but I'm not sure how soon.

CK> This sounds normal to me. I use a newsreader called Xnews and it has
CK> an  option  to  bring up an 'external' editor if you want to compose

Sorry.  I  have Xnews installed and I know it has a huge following & has
all kinds of bells & whistles. But I just don't like it.

CK> that's  the  idea in Xnews. Some people can't write or edit anything
CK> without their favorite editor.

I'm  not  one  of those. But I also hate having to know multiple sets of
keystrokes  to  do the same things in several different programs -- mail
client, newsreader, etc.

CK> There is or was a German email client called AK mail that used to
CK> offer the option of composing your messages in Word..talk about
CK> overkill, and you would of course need "ms word" on your system, a
CK> scary thought.

I  agree  on  the overkill. I have Word installed, but I've been getting
more  into  Open  Office  Writer,  lately. Especially since I may have a
faster  box  coming that all this will get moved to. Then I'll add a new
HD to this one & give Linux a try.

CK> The road goes on for ever and the party never ends.

;-) Too true. Every time I think I'm beginning to understand this stuff,
they move the bar up a notch or two.

- --
Best regards,
 Bill                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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