Hello Miguel,

On Saturday, March 8, 2003 at 12:47 GMT +0100, earthworms were
entertained when Miguel A. Urech [MAU] exposed:

MAU> However I have detected a few occasions where something strange
MAU> happens,

Can you please post the exact templates you are using to produce these
outputs?  Use cut and paste, so go into the QT to be copied, press
CTRL-A to select all, then CTRL-C to copy.  Then paste that into your
reply.  I don't really see why you should be experiencing the problem
you describe.

MAU> and I must admit I'm totally lost. Your macro is not easy to
MAU> follow and understand by RegExp beginners.

No, I don't imagine it is.  The structure is not that terrible, but it
looks complex.  And without comments, it might not be trivial to
extract the algorithm.

MAU> Here are the two cases:
MAU> | To:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MAU> | To: "Miguel A. Urech" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
MAU> Same thing here, the To: is again blank.

What is the output of a bare %OTOLIST on these messages?

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

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