Hi, all,
On 01/10/1999, at 05:07,
Thomas Fernandez (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
as the numerous people stopped applausing, told them:

TF> I think the definition "have opened that folder already" makes sense.

TF> OTOH, I also like Syafril's idea that you can manually "Park"
TF> messages - but I would distinguish between "really parked" messages
TF> and mesages that I will have to reply to later. Thus, messages marked
TF> "unread". That would be an idea different from Claude's as it would be
TF> manual and not automatic, but it would be adding one flag nonetheless.
Why not having both?
Well, if my one is the first ;-)))

C>> For people who has no interest in this kind of color management, just
C>> act like if orange and red were the same color, and there will be
C>> exactly no change for them :)

TF> Agree; but I want the bat to fly only when the messages are "new". :-)
Good idea: it's like having a red and an orange bat!
So, no need to open if there is no red folder.
I like it.

C>> About the use of priority level subfolders, it will change my folders
C>> window to a gas factory,

TF> Nice French idiom (I guess); what does this mean?
Sorry! I thought it was universal ;-)
So,  when we say that something (an idea, a software, a project...) is
"une  usine  à  gaz"  (a  gas  factory)  it  means  that  it  is  very
complicated, like a gas factory is, with all these pipes crossing each
other in any direction.  :)
It's mainly used in business language, not often in private.

C>> and make me spend lots of time managing this
C>> by hand. Lots of time spent just for the *non-urgent* posts, which is
C>> a strange way to manage the priorities ;)

TF> Guess you're right here. But the manual solution would still come in
TF> handy for me. In my business, there is no such thing as a message that
TF> is not urgent. I reply to messages by time zone; Japan/Australia
TF> first, and then I move my way West bound through Asia, Europe, and
TF> finally the Americas. So any message from Brazil I receive in the
TF> morning doesn't need attention until afternoon, whereas I have to
TF> reply to Australia or NZ right away, as they are two/three hours ahead
TF> of me (I'm in Taiwan). Therefore, some kind of mark for later reply
TF> would come in handy, even if manual.
Yes, I understand manual marking is useful for this.
What  I have done, in such a case, is to have filters routing posts to
zone folders. As it's automatically done, it's time saving.
But *you* may have an other way of acting for your own convenience :)

Best regards,


Thought of the day (randomly french or english)
Seul l'impensable peut être créé - Maître Claude.

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