Hi all,

  Steve Lamb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> No, I wasn't assuming anything. I was just asking a specific question.

>     In your question was the assumption of there being the possibility of
> putting things on the same drive.

I am aware that it was possible to copy to a different drive. I was
just asking about my particular situation where both machines in my
home have F: drives where apps are installed.

>> BTW, things become a little complicated when your home directory is
>> not in the default location.

>     What home directory.  Come now, Ali, we both know that Windows doesn't
> have home directories.  That's a Unixism.

In The Bat!, open the account properties, and select File and
Directories. There you'll see the home directory to which I'm

>> Well, if you are moving to another drive then it's not worth it. If
>> you're moving to the same drive so that the paths remain the same then
>> it's less trouble to move it than, redoing all the settings.

>     I still isn't worth it since ancillary information may be located
> differently on each machine.

If the ancillary information aren't located differently and both
installations will be identical as may occur if you wish to do a clean
reinstall on your system, or if you are transferring to the same
partition on the other machine, then backing up the registry key saves
you the trouble of reconfiguring and re-registering. What's this
aversion with backing up a registry key and restoring it on another
machine which will use the same configuration? This is entirely
possible and far from unusual.

I'm simply delineating the possible benefit of transferring the
registry settings. I do acknowledge that it's possible to do a
transfer without carrying over registry keys and that transferring the
registry keys would be pointless if you are copying to a different
drive or plan to use a different configuration.


   >>> "One martini is alright, two is too many, three is not enough." 
   - James Thurber, American humorist (1894-1961) <<<
  Using The Bat! v1.37 Beta/3 [-] Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 6)

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