On  Fri,  31  Dec  1999  17:05:13 -0700 GMT your local time, which was
Saturday,  January  01, 2000, 07:05:13 (GMT+0700) my local time, Keith
Russell told to the list:

KR> Hey, Syafril, I watched the performance from Indonesia this morning
KR> (my time). It was impressive!

Thank you.
My  ISP  plan  to upgrade his bandwith from "symetric" 5 MB (around 10
MB)  to  "asymetric" 16 MB (around 32 MB) start from 1 January 2000 (I
doubt  if  he  already  done  it),  and  because  my Server in his NOC
(Network  Operation  Center),  so  the  performance  of my Server also

This  month  my  server  will  change the connection, from 10BaseT HUB
connection to 100BaseT Switch, also I 'll upgrade the HDD and RAM (now
using  IDE  4  GB  and  128 MB RAM) to SCSI and 256 MB RAM, I hope the
performance will increase.

KR> Still 1999 for nearly 7 hours here....

I think you're pass the Y2K now :-)

Kind Regards,


................Opinions expressed are only mine................
Name    : Syafril Hermansyah                                  
Company : Duta Integrasi Pratama - Indonesia                  
Voice   : (62) (21) 385-1600 / 351-8446                       
Fax to  : (62) (21) 351-9241 Att. : Syafril Hermansyah-000FAX 
Mailto  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]                          

Created : Sunday, January 02, 2000, 00:58:51 (GMT +07:00)

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