Hi there!

On 5 Jan 00, at 13:38, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
    about "Pegasus vs. The Bat!":

As you might see, I *am* using Pegasus right now:-) So here are my answers.

> I am a 5 year user of Pmail, and love that program alot as(aside from being
> free :) it has a lot of the features I really like (besides being free :).
> However, I'm looking for a program with a more modern interface...and pegasus
> mail seems to really be dragging it's heals on the development of one.       

For version 3.2 (expected to be released in February, this year) alot of visual 
improvements are planned. Besides, what version of PMail were you using? 
3.x series offer the GUI that fully suits my needs, I'd say. 3.2, among other 
things, will have completely rewamped addressbooks (this is what currently 
needs refinements, of course) and folders (message autoview is said to be 
worked on, too).

> I'd really like to hear any general comments people have who have
> used Pegasus                                                         

Well, Pegasus vs. TB:-) IMHO:

1. TB has better GUI, but pretty buggy one. Pegasus OTOH has less "intuitive" 
GUI, but functionally superior to that of TB. 
2. MIME functionality: TB seriously lags behing Pegasus in this.
3. International support: hardly any in Pegasus, OTOH the best one I know in 
4. Multiuser support: under Netware Pegasus is a must have, as for TB.... 
well, I'd better swallow what I just wanted to say:-) Note just _one_ thing: TB 
won't allow you to hide your addressbook from other users:-) Besides, in 
Pegasus you can setup lots of system-wide things: folders, addressbooks, 
noticeboards, etc., etc. Nothing of the kind in TB.
5. Support: for both programs, the best source of help are the mailing lists. 
Online help is incomplete both in the case of Pegasus and TB. The only 
difference is that in the case of PMail you can order the printed manuals, but 
that means you have to pay:-)

> 1. Enclosures vs. Attachments. Pmail has an option to send enclosures
> vs. attachments.                                                    
> Among other things, this allows for inline image viewing. 

Wrong here. Inline image viewing in PMail is available only when on the LAN. 
For internet mail, inline images are disallowed by RFCs, which PMail stricktly 

As for the enclosures vs. attachments issue, it's somewhat different. In short: 
nowadays hardly anybody uses "proper attachments", although PMail still 
offers some support for these...

> read images inline with "The Bat!" But I haven't figured out how to
> insert                                                                
> inline images. Any tips?                                             

No way! Even on the LAN:-)
> 2. Mime Digest Reading. Pegasus mail treats a digest much like a
> folder...                           

Pegasus -- yes, The Bat! -- no. Just try it:-) <shudder>
As I told you: TB has quite poor support for the advanced MIME functionality. 
> In TB, it seems that all I get is a bunch of attachments called:
> 1.msg, 2.msg, 3.msg                                                  
> do I have some kind of setting wrong?  Or is this just the way it
> works?  

Yes, it's the way it pretends to work...:-(((((((((

> 3. Changing "Send from account..." Is there a more visible way to do this?
> One drawback to pegasus is that the Sending account is hidden, having to
> switch to a         tab to update that information. 

In Pegasus, you can use "identities" instead. You always see what identity is 
active from the dropdown in the toolbar. Identities in the latest versions of 
Pegasus are no worse then accounts: they can have completely different sets 
of options. The only difference is that different identities of one account share 
the same hierarchy of folders, whereas the accounts have different 
hierarchies each.

SY, Alex
(St.Petersburg, Russia)
Thought for the day:
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