Wednesday, January 05, 2000, 2:54:57 PM, Alexander wrote:
>>     No, there is a lot more to it than that.

> Having read this message of yours, I still don't see other differences...

    Forcing the user to filter to gain a sane default is the difference.

> For you, but not for me.

    Right.  As I pointed out by starting with the flawed personalities
paradigm you're forcing the end user (you *and* me) to filter things out.
Most people that I know don't think that way.

> This would in turn mean that I'll need even more a complicated filter
> structure (with multi-account filtering) then what I've got in Pegasus right
> now.

    Or, what I would do, drag the mail to the right folder, reply, and inform
him not to use the other addresses for an inappropriate use.  If it persists,
create a filter to automatically bounce back to him until he gets a clue.

    Yes, I've done that to my boss at one time when I finally separated my
personal from private mail and he insisted on using the wrong one.

> on, whenever I check the mail, Pegasus will check the mail for *both* users,
> and the mail for "Separate me" will NOT be mixed with the rest of the input 
> stream in any way. Note, that since the attached mailboxes in Pegasus are 
> "sticky", the next time I log into the program that "Separate me" mailbox will still 
> be attached;-)

    But, as you pointed out, by going into that structure the "personality"
doesn't change.  That is very bad, IMHO.

> Not in the case described above.

> [description of how you work snipped...]

    Yes, in the case described above.

> Not the case with Pegasus, look above.

    I did and by your own admission it does not work.

> It's not the thing that will work all right when dial-up connection is what
> one uses:-( Forwarding all my mail to one account isn't the thing I want to
> try, as you might guess:-)

    Trying to keep track of a tangled mess of filters just to keep a sane
state of mailboxes is not something I want to try.  To get TB! functionality
with Pegasus (or others) I need to manually move a lot of mail when I create
it and have 3-4 separate filters for each account.

> So, as I see it, I've explained how in Pegasus TB's default behaviour can be
> completely mimicked, but the reverse involves forwarding and is hence 
> inappropriate solution:-)

    No, as you stated, it cannot be completely mimicked.  The forwarding is
just merging into a single stream and is appropriate since that is all Pegasus
and others *FORCE* you to do in the first place.  If it is inappropriate to
forward than it is equally inappropriate for these programs to do it
internally to themselves.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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