As a new user of Bat, I have already posted a stupid question
  (although I suppose the only truly stupid question is the one not
  asked) re putting a default To: address in a folder.

  Thank you everybody for your replies.

  My question now is - is there a publication we can buy / obtain /
  download (similar to the "Agent" manual, for example), which is well
  written, and which will explain things in a clear way for computer
  challenged people such as myself?

  I am sure that this would be of assistance to a great many people,
  as the Bat is chock full of features.

  One final question - again the answer is quite simple (I hope).  I
  need to see my messages collapsed, in subject order, and within the
  subject all the replies in the time which they were sent in
  chronological order.

  At present the first two criteria are met, but  the messages are not
sorted in the required order, although I   believe I have selected the
correct options (Sort by Subject / descending order, also view threads
by subject).  By the way, anybody else notice that the selection
"Descending Order" needs selecting every time, and does not remain

Best regards,
Lone Wolf            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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