NA> The "Block" features that you find on the top/right portion of the
NA> Editor Preferences/General section are a mystery to me, as they
NA> are not very well documented.

Wow, this is one of the places where the editor shines, I think.  If I
could only map my BRIEF keys, I'd be happy as a clam.

Ok, here's the scoop.

Stream is what you're used to having in Windows.  That is, the block
start and end are marked by the cursor, and the selected text is
everything in between these when reading the text in a natural way.

Column marks a rectangle on the screen.  That is, you could make a
block selection to mark just the columns of my quote above, to delete
the 'NA' from the quotation, for example.

Line I haven't used yet, but I assume (since I use it in other
programs all of the time) that it's similar to stream except that it
gets the entire line at top and bottom.  So, if I started a line
marking with the cursor in the middle of the line, I could Shift-arrow
down and it would select the entire first, last, and middle lines.

Make sense?


Hopin' this said *something* useful, [EMAIL PROTECTED] out.

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