On Mon, 24 Jan 2000 13:48:34 +0800, Thomas Fernandez wrote:

J>>  unless they use the same network settings ... or you can dial in twice <g> Of
J>>  course the former doesn't make much sense, and the latter - no idea.

> The latter won't work, "ComPort busy".

Not quite true, but you won't have thought of it: PPTP. I do 'dial'
twice. The first connection is to the internet and the second
connection is a PPTP one to a firewall-protected server. (NT handles
these VPN - virtual private network - ports similar to COM ports,
you can define DUN connections on them)

Note that i didn't even try to set up TB! to do this, i do it
manually; and i don't think TB! (or any other program) should do
more than one simple connection. Complicated cases like mine should
be handled be the OS (or a dedicated utility).


Peter Steiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        PGP-ID 0x02850F53 (DH/DSS)
PGP Fingerprint 68AB D08E D995 41B4 C6FD  639D 9B94 D249 0285 0F53
"Uuuh, isch das e botterepfloorigi Schtrüpfete gsi! Die zwee hei
gschwouderet u ghetzpacheret, das si z näbis meh gwüsst hei, wo
se der Gürchu zwurglet." - Franz Hohler

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