Well, I'm back with my favourite pet peeve.  And since I'm in a bad
mood, I'll be blunt.  Although TB! is, without question, my favourite
email client, it SUCKS in a big-huge way when it comes to handling big
email attachments.  Yes, I am talking multiple-megabyte (sometimes
upwards of 15 megs) email attachments.  I know that some of you email
purists shudder at the thought, and I know that others are revolted by
the fact that I'm willing to accept, and sometimes send, email that big.
But, frankly, I don't care.  Yes, I'm a bad, bad boy for sending email
that big.  Who cares.  Fix the problem.  Why should TB! use in excess of
192 megs of ram when trying to import (or open) an email with a 8 meg

I can't let sentimentality get in the way of my work, and I'm not going
to go through the hassle of using two email clients just because one of
them can't handle a big email message.

So, can anybody suggest a solid email client that intuitively handles
multiple POP accounts, has excellent filtering features, a reasonable
interface, and that doesn't kick the bucket when it comes to a big

   - Marco

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