On Mon, 14 Feb 2000 10:58:22 -0500, Soth wrote:

> Well, I'm back with my favourite pet peeve.  And since I'm in a bad
> mood, I'll be blunt.  Although TB! is, without question, my favourite
> email client, it SUCKS in a big-huge way when it comes to handling big
> email attachments.  Yes, I am talking multiple-megabyte (sometimes
> upwards of 15 megs) email attachments.  I know that some of you email
> purists shudder at the thought, and I know that others are revolted by
> the fact that I'm willing to accept, and sometimes send, email that big.
> But, frankly, I don't care.


>   Yes, I'm a bad, bad boy for sending email that big.  Who cares.
> Fix the problem.  Why should TB! use in excess of 192 megs of ram
> when trying to import (or open) an email with a 8 meg attachment?!

        This problem is as you say old. Since I don't practice sending
large e-mail attachments <g>, I can only give second hand information.
It was said that dragging and dropping the attachment anywhere unto
the TB! main window creates a new message with the attachment without

 CU, Allie ...
Using The Bat! v1.39 *:* Windows NT4.0 (Service Pack 6)
** Reality is for those who can't handle Star Trek. **

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