Tuesday, February 15, 2000, 10:28:31 AM, Allie wrote:
>>  About receiving  mail...  I've not seen TB fault on this, but I've
>> sometimes got the impression that throughput is poor with large
>> mails. Receiving a  mail of, say, 8 MB seems to take significantly
>> longer than ftping a file that size. I didn't doublecheck with a
>> stopwatch, so I can't give values.

>         Is that really a fair comparison?

    Well....  Yes.  An email attachment is encoded into 7bit data.  Right
there you inrease the size of the file by 1/8th.  So an 8Mg file becomes 9Mb.
Of course, they don't use all of the 7bit characters, only a subset of it, so
you loose another good 20%.  Now that 8Mb has turned into ~10.6Mb.

    An 8Mb file, FTP'd over a 33.6k modem, will be 8Mb of data transferred for
a total of ~41 minutes of download time (assuming my math is correct; I stopped
guesstimating download times when I got my 24/7 modem connection).

    An 8Mb file, emailed, will take about 56 minutes on the same connection
because it has been bloated to 10.6Mb.

    Moral of the story, once again, as I've said numerous times, don't email
large attachments.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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