Hi Mary,

> Are there any major problems with v4.2.44 that I should be aware of?

Moved  back from version 5 to 4.2.44 due to all reported by me issues.
So  far  none  of  them happened in v.4 (almost 4 weeks) ; except that
for  some  e-mails  while   replying   there  is  no text at all after
Reply Window pop ups. Change  a  Text  format  to  any  text  and back
to what you had makes message appears.

Imported over 29k messages and works fine.

Will test new release when I have more time - maybe next week.. :(

Best Regards,

The Bat!
Windows 7 x64 Professional (7601 Service Pack 1)

Thursday, June 30, 2011 (21:01 ; GMT+8)

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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