On Tuesday, September 11, 2012, 10:13:28 AM, RoelofOtten 
(tbudl@thebat.dutaint.com) wrote:

LB>> Will there be one or more messages that are in a "dirty state" and
LB>> will not be backed up?

> Mail collection will continue, but I'm not sure whether messages that
> are being received actually will end up in the backup. My guess is
> that messages that are destined for folders that aren't backupped yet,
> will be included in the backup, but messages that are destined for
> folders that were processed by the backup process will be ignored.

That's what I would have figured. I think that the first thing I need
to do is to schedule a back up at a time certain (certain = that I am
aware of what time it starts) and then see whether I can infer from
the backup file's attributes how long the process takes. Then I can
schedule theBat's back up and my separate back up in a way that will
have the least impact on users.

Many thanks for you comments.


Leonard S. Berkowitz

Using The Bat! v5.0.20.1 on Windows 7 6.1 Build 7601 Service Pack 1

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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