Hallo Leonard,

On Sun, 17 Mar 2013 11:56:36 -0400GMT (17-3-2013, 16:56 , where I
live), you wrote:

LB> Even though I have a reply template for an addressee, TheBat seem to
LB> ignore it. For example, I receive a lot of e-mail from people with
LB> titles (Dr. Professor, etc.). Frequently their titles are part of
LB> their names that preced the <email address>. In the case of those
LB> people whom I know personally, I like to address them by their first
LB> names, and have a reply template to do exactly that. TheBat ignores
LB> the template and starts the replay e-mail with Dr., Proffessor, etc.)

This is very basic.
Personal address book templates taske precedence over address groups
templates, the latter take precedence over folder templates and
finally there are account templates.

There are two reasons that existing address book templates aren't
1) the address occurs in multiple entries
2) the address with the temnplateisn't the first address inth To: HEADER

Groetjes, Roelof

Take a MODERATOR to lunch,(s)he's probably broke.
The Bat! (BETA)
Windows 7 6.1 Build 7601 Service Pack 1
5 pop3 accounts, 2 imap accounts
OTFE disabled
i7-2600 3.4GHz

Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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