I am combining my replies to several responses on this thread so that
my replies will all be in one place

On Monday, March 18, 2013, 3:09:39 AM, Roelof Otteb (tbudl@thebat.dutaint.com) 

> This is very basic.
> Personal address book templates taske precedence over address groups
> templates, the latter take precedence over folder templates and
> finally there are account templates.

> There are two reasons that existing address book templates aren't
> triggered:
> 1) the address occurs in multiple entries

Right now, the example I am using, exists in only one place, Pesonal
Address Book

> 2) the address with the temnplateisn't the first address inth To: HEADER

I think I understand what you mean. The adressee in the example I am
using has only a single address in the Email Adresse(s) and it is
identical with the From in the message to which I am replyng.

On Monday, March 18, 2013, 8:25:49 AM, Tony Hoare(tbudl@thebat.dutaint.com) 

> As I understand it, TheBat can use templates from the account, folder,
> address book group and address book contact. Have you tried a template
> at  the  individual contact level? I have at least one (for my wife!) 
> working correctly.

Yes, that is what I am having a problem with. The %TOFNAME in the
reply template for the _individual contact_ is ignored.

On Monday, March 18, 2013, 7:27:00 PM, MFPA (tbudl@thebat.dutaint.com) wrote:

> Did you check for folder templates? Additional addressees? What 
> happens if you (temporarily) delete the account reply template and 
> then reply to one of those contacts?

I tried that. No change. Clearly the reply code in The Bat is looking
at the adressee level reply template, becuase everything else that I
have specified in that template appears. Only the %TOFNAME comes
from incoming message, and not from the address book.

I am using %TOFNAME. Is that the correct macro? I have tried various
other macros that work correctly in that spot. They act correctly, but
that is not the information I want in the salutation. I have also hard coded
the correct first name in the reply template instead of the macro, and
that appears in the reply.

I receive a lot of mail from this individual. Sometime the From is
"acebl...@aol.com" and sometimes it is" Matt <aceblad...@aol.com>". In the
former case, 'aceblade" is in the salutation and in the latter, it is
"Matt" [without the quotes of course.

Very frustating.

Thanks for your interest and your efforts.


Leonard S. Berkowitz

Using The Bat! v5.2.2 on Windows 7 6.1 Build 7601 Service Pack 1

Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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