
On Tuesday 26 November 2013 at 2:40:51 PM, in
<mid:1828685907.20131126084...@charter.net>, Jack S. LaRosa wrote:

> I can see your point.  However, there could be
> exceptions. My MAIL folder is in my DOCUMENTS folder.
> This makes no sense to me.  

That's just the default; you can put it where you want. 

It makes sense to me, at least as the location for the files
containing the actual emails: I think of emails as being "documents"
in much the same way as (most) files created in word or excel are
"documents." (Even so, I have my mail folder on a partition of its

For configuration files containing various settings it makes much less
sense to me. Maybe there should be further fragmentation, and such
files could live in a location under "Application Data." But are
things like templates and the address books (for example) documents or

"My Documents" and "Application Data" both sit somewhere under 
"Documents and Settings" on my Windows version (XP)...

> I would prefer to have
> files/folders indigenous to TB contained in the program
> folder because that's where I would look for them.

Yes, the way they used to do things was much simpler. But with 
"Administrator" and "User" accounts in XP, the user may be running TB! 
under an account that doesn't have write access in the "Program Files" 

> Sounds like these bugs may be related.  

I wondered about that possibility.

Best regards

MFPA                    mailto:expires2...@ymail.com

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; 
to steal from many is research.

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3 

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