
On Friday 7 February 2014 at 6:44:35 AM, in
<mid:1810590071.20140207004...@gmail.com>, Achdut18 wrote:

> Hello Tbudl,

> I  have  recently expanded my home network to include
> three computers. Previously,  it  had  one  desktop and
> one laptop.  I have added a new laptop, and now want to
> use the desktop for no other purpose than as a
> dedicated "mail server" so that regardless of which
> laptop is on site, the  other  laptop  will  be  able
> to  download and see mail.   (When offsite, either
> laptop can use webmail to see the mail.) 

The Bat! used to have a "server mode" where one machine had TB! acting 
as an exchange server and the others in the local network were 
installed as clients. Alas, this was discontinued a few years ago. 

I would think about pointing the Laptop copies of The Bat! to the
account settings and mail folder on the desktop PC rather than each
having it own copy. But only if all run the same The Bat! version and
preferably only one will be used at a time to run The Bat!

> However, as I
> explain below, I see some problems.

> The primary installation of The Bat is on the desktop.
> In July 2010, when the first laptop was acquired, I
> asked how to set up The Bat so that both computers
> could see the same files. It was suggested I create a
> backup of The Bat on the desktop. Then use the .msi
> file from the desktop to setup The Bat on the laptop,
> but then, instead of creating an account, restore,
> using the backup.

> I did that.  However, I notice that new mail folders
> and sorting rules subsequently created on the desktop
> are not seen on the laptop. Why is that?    

You cloned your installation of The Bat! as it was at the time, so
that you had two identical copies of the message base and account
settings that were not linked together. Changes would not be carried
across to the other copy unless you kept them synchronised, an example
of which Jack has already suggested.

> Before
> setting  up  The  Bat  on the second  laptop, can
> someone explain  to  me how I can set up The Bat on our
> little home network so that  any  folder  or  rule
> created on one laptop, will be seen on the other
> laptop? And, I need to use the desktop as the "server",
> so that when either laptop is offsite, the other laptop
> will still have access to the mail.

If only one of the three machines will run The Bat! at a time, and if
all three are the same version, I would designate the mail folder on
the desktop PC where TB! stores all the messages and settings as a
shared resource (or map its location as a network drive) and point all
three The Bat! installations to the same files.

> This  scheme  is  designed  to mimic IMAP without using
> IMAP.   I have tried,  unsuccessfully  to set up IMAP.
> Other than this one, annoying glitch, my current scheme
> seems to work ok.   (Well, there is a second glitch
> in   that   if any mail is downloaded on one laptop, it
> will not  appear  on  the second laptop (if the laptop
> is turned on), until downloaded  on  the second laptop.

What about if it is downloaded on the desktop PC? This could be
scheduled (in Windows scheduler) to periodically open TB!, check mail,
and (if wanted) exit TB!.

> However, the mail will then appear in  duplicate  in
> all  of  my  non-gmail  accounts.   

Are you already pointing The Bat! on the first laptop to the
messagebase on the desktop? If so, shouldn't the message appear when
the folder is refreshed? And if you are not sharing a messagebase, I
can't work out the messages would duplicate

I suspect gmail ignores any settings to the contrary and deletes the
message after first download. (Based on my setting to keep emails on
server for several days after download, which is honoured by all
except gmail.)

> Running "delete
> duplicates" every once in a while gets rid of the
> duplicates without a whole lot of effort on my part!)

This could also be automated in Windows Scheduler so that it takes no
effort at all. See The Bat! help file, under "advanced use."

> If  it  makes  any  difference,  both laptops run
> Windows 7 Pro, while the desktop runs Win XP Pro.  

I'm not sure that it matters.

Best regards

MFPA                    mailto:2014-667rhzu3dc-lists-gro...@riseup.net

Free advice costs nothing until you act upon it

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3 

Current version is 6.1.8 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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