2/10/2014  6:18 AM

Hi Achdut18,

On 2/9/2014 Achdut18 wrote:

A> Jack,  thank  you  very much!   I don't know if this will work, but is
A> certainly  worth  a  try.   Does  this  only work if both machines are
A> running  on  the  same  network,  or,  do they just need to be able to
A> access the Internet?

After reading this thread for some time I thought I should jump in
with a description of the system we have used for many years:

My computer is the administrator for all email accounts including my
wife's. I have POP3 set up on my computer for all accounts. My wife
has her account set up as POP3 on her computer.

Both of us have our accounts set as IMAP on our phones and any sent
messages are automatically BCC'd to our accounts to insure that there
is a copy of all sent messages available for archiving in the POP3
account on the computers.

The phones sync every 10 minutes and the computers download every 10
minutes. This is very easy to manage with minimal effort. No
networking is needed. When we travel it is only necessary to take my
computer because my wife's messages are also stored on it.

If further remote management is needed we do it with TeamViewer. The
client used on the phones is My Secure Mail for Android.

- --

The Bat! v. on Windows 7 Pro 64 bit 6.1.7601

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