I use 1and1 and SMTP, I use 'Secure to dedicated port' and the port is 465. I 
use the same for connection type for POP on port 995. See if those settings 
help at all.

> Hello Marck,

> You wrote:

MP>> My first guess would be that the hotel wifi blocks port 25 to prevent
MP>> guests spambot infested systems spewing junk from their connection.

> My wife reports that the same problem is happening in our home office.

MP>> It is highly
MP>> possible that your personal domain email accounts are not configured
MP>> to use TLS, SLL or StartTLS so get blocked from using port 25.

> My SMTP connection is "Secure on regular port (STARTTLS)".   and, that
> port is 587.

> It   seems   that  I  need  to  explore  with  my e-mail host service,
> 1&1.com, the basis for this problem.

Current version is 7.1 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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