On Tuesday, February 16, 2021 at 3:52:51 PM you wrote:

MM>> I'd love to have an explanation of how all the choices might affect
MM>> my setup before randomly trying each one though. I notice there's no
MM>> help button in that window.

MAU> The only choice that may need an explanation is the first one: "Items
MAU> at   the  current  level".  It  refers  to  the  level  (top  folders,
MAU> subfolders),  of  the  one you have currently selected when you click
MAU> "Name".

MAU> I think the rest of Target choices are quite self-explanatory.

Actually, I didn't have problems with the first one, since I saw
the results; it was all the others! I suspect my system setup is
so simple, that the other choices would be moot in my case

Thank you!



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