Hi Norman,

> It doesn't ask me where this mail is stored - it just lists three
> mail folders - inbox, sent mail, outbox   and I have to tick the
> ones I want. It then deposits the mail items - as I said it's only
> the ones you get with OE to start with - in my TB inbox. No error
> messages, no other folders allowed.

>  I suspect there's some problem with OE rather than TB, because I
> can't import the folders of old, stored messages  into Eudora or
> Netscape Messenger either.

Are you comfortable with Regedit (registry editor)?

It looks like other email clients can't find where OE store your
mail. Are you using the same Windows account as you're using OE? Did
you ever reinstall OE (or IE with OE) or Windows? My guess is, OE
was installed on your system more than once. It creates a new
identity each time it's installed if it can't find the information
in registry, and TB and others are looking at the wrong base folder.

OE remembers its mail base folder in the following registry key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Identities\{A Long ID String}\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express\5.0

(Note, Thomas suggested a different key earlier, so you might want
to check there, too. But I think the above one is more accurate for

The entry is "Store Root".

There are several possibilities here.

1. If you logged into Windows with a different account (or if you've
reinstalled Windows, or dual booted to another environment), the
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER] tree would contain entirely different
information from the one you used to use OE.

2. If you created multiple identities in OE, there would be several
sub-keys under the [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Identities\] key, and TB (and
others) may be looking at the wrong one. It happens when you didn't
leave OE from the identity you're trying to import from (or for some
other reasons OE remember the wrong active identity).

3. If you reinstalled OE after removing it, it would create a new
identity. Then there would be only one identity key in your
registry, but it's the wrong one.

To make sure, please launch OE, and make sure all your mail is
there. Then quite OE, and lauch TB, and try to import again.

If still no go, use Windows Explorer (not IE) to locate the right
location for your mail, and check to see if the "Store Root"
information in your registry is correct.

After TB finds the right folder for your OE mail, you should be able
to import "most" of the mail without major problems. Expect some
more twists and turns, though, for OE's messages base is quite
quirky. Thankfully none can't be overcome and hopefully my memory is
still fresh.

Best regards,
Ming-Li             mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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