>> Friday, July 14, 2000, 2:16:42 AM, Ming-Li wrote:
>>> Agreed. To be fair, though, its current arrangement isn't illogical
>>> per se. Yet the school of using Tab to move around fields and Arrows
>>> to move within a drop-down list has won out in today's Windows
>>> programming.

>>     Bite your tongue!


ML> I don't think I said anything to warrant a harsh reaction like this.

I didn't think it was meant to be harsh but rather sort of funny to
preface what was to come...  ;)

>> I was tabbing around input fields well before there /was/ a
>> Windows!  That is standard practice of data entry for nearly as
>> long as there has been data entry.

ML> I may have much less experience than you with computers and what
ML> little I have is with DOS/Windows. I certainly can't make any claim
ML> like "for nearly as there has been data entry".

I would say for nearly as long as there's been data entry too.  I used
IBM S/36 for a while, and I don't know if that predates PCs or not
(386 was top-of-line when I was on S/36), but I got the impression
that IBM has had tab assigned to the switching of fields for as long
as they've been making minicomputers.

Arrows are, imho, the logical way to move around in a field.  Tab
makes a good case for changing fields simply due to the fact that most
implementations have arrows on the tab key.  :)

ML> For what I do have experience with, I remember using many programs
ML> with "unstandard" practices, and my impression is that there were
ML> many more such programs in the past then there are today, hence my
ML> earlier claim. Please also note I was talking about two practices,
ML> not just tabbing around.

True, there wasn't quite the jelling of practices that there is today.

Which begs the question of why TB! wants to be another Esc-Meta-Alt-
Ctrl-Shift (aka emacs) piece of software as opposed to the (more
standard) one-key for each operation.


Hopin' this said *something* useful, [EMAIL PROTECTED] out.

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