
Regarding your message dated: 12 August 2000...

LG> 3. The list was about an e-mail program, and it made perfect sense to
LG>    me that since the people subscribed to TBUDL would be using TB to
LG>    get their mail anyway, why not keep two related things together.
LG>    (Yes, I know, there were a few people who were subscribed to the
LG>    lists but used other MUAs.)

Among  the  many  more immediate benefits I acquired when I originally
'trialled'  The  Bat!, the fact that the email program itself could be
used to run a discussion list such as TBUDL quite impressed me.

It may only highlight my naivety/ignorance to admit it, but having
really used only Netscape Messenger as my mail client for many years
(and DXMail - a DEC unix reader much like DT-Mail under Solaris/CDE
now - before that.) I was not aware that any other programs had such
capabilities and that for me pronounced TB! as something quite special
all by itself.

Being loath to leave Messenger at first (due to the workload involved
in transferring messages/filters etc/addresses) I became convinced by
a combination of TB! itself, the frequent and *useful* upgrades
provided by Max/Stefan/Rit and particularly by the quality of the
discussions that take place on TBUDL/TBBETA.

I have been a member of other discussion lists before and remain a
member of only one other group now besides TBUDL/TBBETA and I have to
say that the atmosphere here is the best I've experienced anywhere.
The questions posed by others are often of interest to me, the answers
are normally swift, helpful and to the point and there is a distinct
lack of spam/junk postings which is amazing.  On the other group I
listen in on currently there is normally at least one 'child' every
day who'll throw their rattle out of the pram for no good reason.
Thanks to the moderation of Leif/Marck/Wolfgang (and now Curtis too -
a warm welcome BTW) all these annoyances are pretty much non-existent
for me here.

It may be possible to do things differently and I'm sure none of the
current TBUDL/TBBETA members would behave any differently if things
were (a TB newsgroup for example) but for the reasons Leif outlined,
the control the moderators maintain for the group in keeping the
environment free from unwanted elements leaves us with a decent
environment in which to get on with our discussions and that is
something I'm entirely grateful for.

>From the perspective I have, TBUDL/TBBETA is something quite special
in the way it is supported and maintained.  I hope this continues and
would offer my thanks and encouragement to the group's moderators that
their hard work and other efforts on our behalf are appreciated - from
this small location in Edinburgh at least!



 Using TheBat! 1.45 S/MIME Windows NT 4 0 1381 Service Pack 6
 Just4Fun - Freestuff, Humour and More! - http://just4fun.ipfox.com/
 Mark R Harding
 The Integrated Systems Group (Vision)
 Department of Electronics & Electrical Engineering
 The University of Edinburgh, King's Buildings, Mayfield Road
 Edinburgh. EH9 3JL. Scotland. U.K.

 Phone:  +44 (0)131 650 5662
 Fax:    +44 (0)131 650 6554
 Email:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 URL:    http://www.ee.ed.ac.uk/~mrh/
 PGP-Key Available at:  http://www.ee.ed.ac.uk/~mrh/pgp.html

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