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    Ooook, maybe I wrote the last message wrong.

Wednesday, June 28, 2000, 7:56:40 PM, starc wrote:
> Hmm...sorry..but u r the one writing BULLPOO. As I already pointed out
> in another email, I never thought that my suggestion was better.

    Really?  You mean you didn't write this line?

- --- SNIP ---

     Any of those too solutions would be better, more effective,

- --- SNIP ---

    I do believe that even the non-native English speakers of the list (and
there are plenty) would most likely confirm that the above, written by you at
Wed, 28 Jun 2000 20:50:14 -0300 in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
would seem to indicate that you do, in fact, believe that newsgroups and/or
webboards would be better.  That is generally what "would be better" and "more
effective" means.

    If you like I can go to www.m-w.com, look up each word and describe to you
in detail why those words, in that order, in the context given does indeed
give the impression you were stating they were better.  That would be a bit
pedantic, however.

> I just formulated it as a question.

    No, you made a statement, cited above.  Please check your sent folder if
you're unsure.  This would be a good time on how to use the search function in
conjunction with the MSGID cited.

> Most replies I received where flames.

    No.  So far there haven't been any flames.  The closest that came to it
was my message.  They have been quite reasoned.

> In fact, it is the person who brings in a new idea of any sort who is always
> criticized by the mass.

    Your idea isn't new.  It has been presented, thought about and rejected
several times.

> I'm used to it.

    That's nice.

> It has been this way since the time I was in school.

    It is my impression that this sentence should be in the present tense, not
the past tense.

> I wonder though, why I was the one who always had the better grades
> LOL(laugh out loud).

    We're aware of what LOL stands for, thank you.  Either use the
abbreviation or write it out, not both.  As for better grades, you'll pardon
me if my skepticism is high.

>     And I don't think that the newest is always better(by the way I
> don't read newsgroups on a regular basis).

    That's nice.

> It's just the question to use the right tools for the right things.

    I don't think a single soul here would disagree with that.

> Email wasn't intended for making a discussion group.

    Quite the contrary, one of the expressed uses of email per RFC822 which
was published in 1982 is for discussion lists.  In fact it is how to denote
that use that is a particular point of contention between many mailing list
administrators.  From section 4.4.3 of RFC822 regarding the REPLY-TO header:

"A somewhat different use may be of some help to "text message
teleconferencing" groups equipped with automatic distribution services:
include the address of that service in the "Reply- To" field of all messages
submitted to the teleconference; then participants can "reply" to conference
submissions to guarantee the correct distribution of any submission of their
own. "

    Please note that newsgroup headers must be RFC822 compliant.  This is
important to realized because for that requirement to be made newsgroups would
have to come /after/ email.

> That's what newsgroups where made for.

    Correct.  That does not, however, automatically invalidated the myriad of
email discussion lists.  Generally newsgroups are designed for a larger
readership and a broadcast medium.  They are more informal than mailing lists
in tone and nature.  There is a place for both.  In general a mailing list is
for a smaller group of people who will discuss matters with one another over a
period of months or years and do not want a plethora of lookieloos popping in
from time to time voicing uneducated opinions about matters they know nothing

> So why don't use them? That was the way I thought about the question.

    No, it was the statement we took issue of.

> Well you posted an earlier answer explaining the reasons why we stick to a
> mailing list.

    That I did.  Whether or not you read them and understood them is a matter
of private debate at the moment.

> Until now it was the only answer that didn't flame me right away.

    No, it was one of several.

> I have learned something new.

    We have yet to see that new knowledge put to use, however.

> I don't understand why you suddenly start flaming me.

    We have not.

> All those flames really don't contribute to this list, and are mainly a
> means for some people to get rid of their frustrations or somehow feel
> important by putting down others.

    I'm sure that is the case.  You will be duly notified when the flaming
begins.  Until that time, trust me, you've not been flamed.

> Newsreaders aren't new, www-boards aren't new, and in fact I'm not a
> regular user of any of those.

    Newsreaders aren't new.  However, they aren't older than email or the use
of email for discussion between a small group of individuals.

    Webboards are indeed new.  In fact, they only recently came into
popularity when Ultimate Bulletin Board gained popularity.  It wasn't
initially released until 1997 and I didn't see it in widespread use until late
1998 with heavy use in 1999.  That is new compared to news which has been
around for 18 years in its current form and over two decades in previous

> Well...If I were you I wouldn't try to make your position the position
> of the list.

    Given the time I've spent on this forum, the fact this issue has come up
before and the fact I know the regular posters rather well I think I am in a
better position to make that determination than you.

> I think not every one is that narrow minded to not at least consider a
> change of some sort.

    I never said it wasn't considered.  In fact, I stated that it was
considered and rejected.

> There is also a newsgroup for Pegasus Mail btw(by the way).

    Bully for them, this isn't the Pegasus client mailing list.

- --
         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- -------------------------------+---------------------------------------------

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