On Mon, 14 Aug 2000 19:33:27 +0100, Marck D. Pearlstone wrote:

ACM>> Hmmm. The selective download feature in the sorting office filters
ACM>> seems to be able to do this. A filter could be setup and the
ACM>> advanced option to 'ignore' the messages matching the filter
ACM>> string used.

MDP> Don't the messages that are left on the server disappear from view
MDP> next time in thus spoiling the browse effect? I'm asking here - I
MDP> don't know - I never leave messages on the server because mine is
MDP> on the LAN and the messages have already been downloaded.

You can easily access and download the ignored messages by using the
mail dispatcher, setting it to display all messages on the server.

-=A. Curtis Martin=-    Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA
Using TB! v1.46 Beta/3 «» Win2k Pro SP1
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"One man's error is another man's data. "

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