Hello TBUDL,

  Just  subscribed  today,  I  have been viewing this on the web site.
  Planning on registering soon(just started using The Bat last week).

  I  thought  I would comment on one item in the filtering discussion.
>For  instance,  with  Eudora  I was able to filter messages so that a
> couple  of  stalkers got an immediate bounce using Reply_with ( "Ms.
> Spaink doesn't want to read your e-mail any more, HTH."), queue that
> reply,  have it send, and mark that original e-mail (so that I could
> stil  read it), and play a .wav file (so that I would know that they
> were at it again).

Since you can setup macro's in the bat to do such things as re-writing
the  to  line,  it  may  be  more productive to instead just send such
people  a  message  with a faked root@localhost address that says your
address is not valid.

This way they don't know the address is still valid, and it looks like
the  admin  of your mailhost made a misconfiguration and did not enter
the  hostname(wheras making the to line say [EMAIL PROTECTED] could be
considered spoofing and may not be appreciated by your admins).

Using The Bat! 1.46c
        under Windows NT
4.0 Build 1381
Service Pack 6, RC 1.5

 Gary                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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