On 23-09-2000 at 01:11, Januk Aggarwal kindly wrote:
> witnesses say Karin Spaink typed:
>> On 23-09-2000 at 00:15, Januk Aggarwal kindly wrote:

>>>> %FROM="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"   (does  that  need  a  %from=""  first?)

>>> Nope, the %From macro now deletes whatever was there in the first go.
>>> It never really made sense to have multiple entries in the From line.

>> In that case, what is the logic behind this? I just tried
>> the two variants with my TB folder reply template, and they
>> give different results.

> Well, you provided an example where multiple entries could make sense.
> In the TO line, I may want to put multiple addresses.  I'm sure you
> can think of examples where this is desirable (since not all of you
> mail is for setting up lunch dates). ;-)

Januk, can I invite you to lunch? ;-)
   Really. You've answered so many of my questions that I'd
gladly buy you a drink. Whenever you're in Amsterdam, make
sure to tell me.

> So by default, the To macro will only *add* to the existing TO line.

Ahh. I get it.

> But there are occasions where you want the recipient to be defined
> *only* by the template.  Then you use %To="" to clear the line, and
> %To="address" adds to an empty line.

Uh-uh, now that figures.

> The same logic applies to the %CC and %BCC macros as well.

Of course.

- K -


Inessential insanities get one in trouble with oneself. 
Essential insanities get one in trouble with others. It's 
always preferable to be in trouble with others. In fact, 
it may be essential. 
  - Tom Robbins: Still Life With Woodpecker

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