Hello Karin,

On  Friday, September 22, 2000  at  00:47:07 GMT +0200 (which was 3:47 PM
where I live) witnesses say Karin Spaink typed:

> On 23-09-2000 at 00:15, Januk Aggarwal kindly wrote:

>>> %FROM="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"   (does  that  need  a  %from=""  first?)

>> Nope, the %From macro now deletes whatever was there in the first go.
>> It never really made sense to have multiple entries in the From line.

> In that case, what is the logic behind this? I just tried
> the two variants with my TB folder reply template, and they
> give different results.

Well, you provided an example where multiple entries could make sense.
In the TO line, I may want to put multiple addresses.  I'm sure you
can think of examples where this is desirable (since not all of you
mail is for setting up lunch dates). ;-)

So by default, the To macro will only *add* to the existing TO line.
But there are occasions where you want the recipient to be defined
*only* by the template.  Then you use %To="" to clear the line, and
%To="address" adds to an empty line.

The same logic applies to the %CC and %BCC macros as well.

But for the From line, what do multiple senders mean?  How can two
addresses send a single message?  It does not make much sense.  I
don't know the RFCs on this issue (I admit, I haven't read them <sob>)
but it doesn't seem like a logical behaviour.

So that was changed in version 1.42.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal
 See header for e-mail address

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