Saturday, September 23, 2000, 1:06:44 PM, you wrote:

> When you choose to move parked messages, a pop-up query appears asking if
> you 'really wish' to move parked messages. Under that query should be a
> checkable option to re-enable parking at the new destination.

Glad you brought this suggestion up, I keep meaning to post something
similar, it nearly caught me out recently when I moved parked messages
to another folder. I would have thought it safer, and more intuitive, to
have parked messages keep this attribute when moved or copied.

> Be that as it may, a simple option to make the message simply
> 'undeletable' would probably be less annoying and more useful to most.
> In this way, moving messages around will not affect their 'undeletable'
> status.

> So much has been said about this on multiple occasions that it's strange
> that nothing has been done about it to date. :-))

Indeed. The lack of any response to requests for "sticky" status of many
attributes too is rather odd. I just want to know if it is likely to
happen or not, then i can shut up and either rejoice or kick the cat...

Best regards,
 Chris                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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