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On Sat, 23 Sep 2000 06:56:03 -0700, Ming-Li wrote:

ML> I tip my hat to you. I'm afraid, however, you're fighting an
ML> impossible battle. Just as mouse, GUI, multimedia on web sites,
ML> proportional font is here to stay, whether we like it or not.

You left out HTML mail in your list. <vbg>

Anyway, I agree that it's an impossible battle, *if* indeed there is a
battle, which there really isn't. :-)

ML> I see no chance for other email programs to change their default
ML> settings, and their users' tendency of using them (either out of
ML> default or by preference). Nor could I foresee a law banning
ML> proportional fonts in email. So the relevant focus of such
ML> discussion (on this list) would come down to whether TB should
ML> support proportional fonts or not. And I would say it should, though
ML> I won't be upset if it's not high on RIT's priority list. :)

Believe it or not, I'm with you on leaning towards their implementing
proportional fonts as well, because one can't and shouldn't force others
into using certain fonts. Even moreso, one shouldn't be forced to use a
particular editor for e-mail composition. As long as I can use a fixed
width font and can continue to encourage others to do the same, I'm
happy. :-)

- --
A. Curtis Martin..
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